Kövég Ltd.
We hereby would like to introduce to you our firm which has significant experiences in the field of waterproofing.
We successfully covered 540 000 sq.m. surface during the last 20 years!
Our firm appeared on the international market in 2009. We also performed works in Romania, Syria and Germany successfully.
The scope of our activity includes execution of waterproofing of both buildings and civil engineering works.

We provide waterproofing for flat roofs (including thermal insulation with metal flashings) with or without access, green roofs, waterproofing against industrial and domestic water, ground vapour, ground moisture, groundwater pressure, both in new works and reconstructions.
As far as waterproofing is concerned, we apply the most advanced technologies, e.g. bitumen, PVC, TPO or EPDM sheets or sprayed systems.
We also have a long practice in waterproofing of water tanks – mainly firewater reservoirs.
Regarding thermal insulation, mainly thermal insulation boards are used, e.g. extruded or expanded polystyrene, PUR/PIR polyurethane, mineral wool and glass foam. In addition to thermal insulation of flat roofs, complete thermal insulation of passive houses is also carried out by our company.
We do hope that we have succeeded to arouse your interest and can greet you among our partners soon. In the meantime, we are sending you our best wishes.
Awards, recognitions
Bauder Certification
A Kövég Kft. a Bauder cég hűséges partnere. Öt éves intenzív, sikeres együttműködés.
Accentuated certificate of merit 2008
Épületszigetelők, Tetőfedők és Bádogosok Magyarországi Szövetsége.
Roof of the Year 2006 - Category Award
2006 Év Tetője Nívódíj Pályázat, Kategória díj.
Phoenix Certificate for EPDM waterproofing
RESITRIX EPDM szigetelőrendszerek tanfolyamon való részvételt tanúsító oklevél.
Sika Certificate for waterproofing systemsl
Sikaplan tetőszigetelési rendszerek. Szakmai képzésben való részvételt tanúsító oklevél.
Roof of the Year 2010 - Premium Award
2010 Év Tetője Nívódíj Pályázat, Nívódíj.